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US Government should support Israel in protecting itself, but should hold Israel military to rules of engagement under international treaties guiding war.

 @9LDTTKQ from Arizona answered…2mos2MO

Yes and no. I believe that since Hamas started, Israel has the right to defend themselves. However, it's been too much murder from Israel's part. An agreement will only be done when the two leaders decide to meet up and solve problems. The U.S. should focus first on its citizen and then try to help others.

 @9NDJ2YQ from Arkansas answered…5 days5D

Yea but we need to proceed with caution in order to remain in power and in control, begin to defuse the situation any way possible!

 @9N8WFH5 from Michigan answered…1wk1W

Honestly, the whole middle eastern conflict has just gotten so ridiculous I don't really side with anyone on the matter.

 @9MZZKSG from New Jersey answered…1wk1W

No but the US can’t be seen as picking their leader. We should express our discontent and leave it for the Israeli people to decide.

 @9MW7PSW from Washington answered…2wks2W

He should be recognized as any other leader would be, but his decisions should be condemned and questioned freely when necessary

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