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129 Replies

 @9GJCMDN  from Georgia agreed…7mos7MO

Top Agreement

Yes, women and men should both have the right to gain the same amount of money for doing the same job. It shouldn't be different just because of gender. Which it all falls under the equal protection clause.

 @9GJNH68 from California agreed…7mos7MO

I think men and women should be payed the same, because i don't think any person or individual should be payed less than average minimum or less.

 @9F7Z7JD  from Texas agreed…9mos9MO

Here's a quote taken from U.S. Department of Labor, "Overall, women are not paid as much as men, even when working full time and year round. On average, women working full time, year round are paid 83.7% of what men are paid. This inequity is even greater for Black and Hispanic women."

Not only are men paid more than women, there is a greater difference with women of different races. Although the gender pay gap has narrowed since the signing of the Equal Pay Act of 1963, women earned 82 cents for every dollar a man earns according to 2020 data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (United States Census Bureau).

 @9FD6BWGIndependent from Pennsylvania disagreed…9mos9MO

Women on average don't choose as high paying jobs as men do. Men work the more dangerous and beneficial jobs. An estimated 13.9 million more men work compared to women. If companies could pay women less than they would exclusively hire women.

 @XtraordinaryB4llotBoxWomen’s Equalityfrom Missouri disagreed…9mos9MO

While it's true that occupational segregation exists, suggesting that women choose lower-paying jobs is an oversimplification. It doesn't consider societal norms and expectations which can influence job choices. Additionally, the idea that men work more dangerous jobs doesn't justify wage disparity, because every job should be paid based on its value and required skills, not its risk level.

Regarding the point about companies exclusively hiring women if they could pay them less, it's important to remember that hiring decisions are influenced by a myriad of factors, not…  Read more

 @9K5NZGD from Missouri disagreed…3mos3MO

Women have the same opportunities as men. Businesses tend to pay diligent workers more than lazy workers, this is true for both genders. If businesses could get away with paying women less than men, the workforce would be predominately women.

 @9FC77PYIndependentfrom Maine disagreed…9mos9MO

I think this is completely irrelevant unless you’re talking about the same jobs with the same backgrounds and the same IQ . There’s too many variables here to say one way or the other.

 @9FB7Q57Libertarian from Nevada disagreed…9mos9MO

Women earn 4% more than men do for the same work, with the same qualifications and experience, when working for equal time. Overall, women work fewer hours, have less experience, and work in professions which pay less. This gender pay gap myth has now led companies to overspend on HR and administrative positions (which are much less skilled) in order to balance out the fictional discrepancy.

 @9FBP5D7Democrat from Arizona disagreed…9mos9MO

Even if women aren't paid as much as men that would be because the men working have a higher degree and a better education, not only that but most women don't work the harder more dangerous jobs that men do, it is only men that really focus on the more dangerous jobs of the situations that come.

 @9F7SN5M from Arizona agreed…9mos9MO

Why wouldnt you agree? Why would a woman be of lesser value than a man? Why would an immagrant be of lesser value than someone born in the U.S.? They aren't. So why is it allowed to underpay these people for the time and effort they put into a job?

 @9F88SMW from California agreed…9mos9MO

For several years women have been discriminated against and underestimated because of their sex. Women should have the same amount of rights as men no matter what.

 @9F7V2GD from California agreed…9mos9MO

According to the PEW Research Center, in 2022, women ages 25 to 34 earned about 92% as much as men of the same ages, but women ages 35 to 44 and 45 to 54 earned 83% as much. The ratio dropped to 79% among those ages 55 to 64, illustrating the need for further legislation on equal pay.

 @9F7TFCY from Wisconsin agreed…9mos9MO

that equal pay should not be discriminated on sex but instead on working ability if you are able to exceed working abilities you should be able to get the equal pay.

 @9F7SVXS from Ohio agreed…9mos9MO

People that put in the same amount of work should get the same amount pay, their doing nothing different.

 @9F7Q22B from Illinois agreed…9mos9MO

I believe that I as a woman am equally skilled in my field as the men and that the work I do is either not impacted by gender or it can only be improved by varying perspectives so why should a man be paid more if we do basically the same thing?

 @9F89NRG from Maryland agreed…9mos9MO

I think that all genders and ethnicities should be payed equally because we are all human and the fact that a gender or ethnicity may be more “superior” is something to be frowned upon.

 @9F7NGYJSocialist from Pennsylvania agreed…9mos9MO

The societal norm of women being weaker both mentally and physically than men is an outdated stereotype created to make men feel above women. We are both human, and so we both deserve to be treated, and paid, equally.

 @9F85GCC from California agreed…9mos9MO

There is no logical reason for no equal pay, if we apply for the same job we should be paid the same.

 @9F7WTJ2 from California agreed…9mos9MO

We are human and if both genders are working the same jobs then why should they be paid differently if they're doing the same things. Its not hurting the mens pay at all either. Just making sure that the women employee gets paid the SAME.

 @9F7NYBWProgressive from New York agreed…9mos9MO

Women have been pushed under the table for many years, i think by now data has clearly shown women are just as capable as men. They can and do the same jobs as men, and still have to do it for less of a dollar than a man.


The average female salary for working the same jobs as men is often far less, which is inexcusable because two people working the same job should never have a differing salary.


If some people are paid less than the average worker and they do the same work, lets say a woman is getting paid less than a man, how can that woman take care of herself and maybe her family when the stereotype is that everyone automatically assumes she has a husband at home that's to breadwinner of the family?
How can you expect a person who makes little money to show up to work everyday without a home to go to? Or if they have a home but cant keep up with taxes?

 @9F77DZL from Texas agreed…9mos9MO

The U.S. Census Bureau reported that Women get paid 30% less than men in the same positions and it gets worse as women age.

 @9F863MJRepublican from Oregon agreed…9mos9MO

We are created equal, we should remain equal, there’s only two genders why should one or the other be favored?

 @9F7Z36JWomen’s Equality from California agreed…9mos9MO

Women are always underestimated, overlooked, and excluded from bigger opportunities than men are. They, as equal humans and citizens, deserve and should have the same salary as men. As a democratic nation, with beliefs upheld by the Constitution, it is the unalienable right for women to be treated and paid the same as men.

 @9F7SKKW from Texas agreed…9mos9MO

Women earned an average of 17% less than men in 2022. For every dollar earned by men, women earned 82 cents.

 @9F7F2L6 from California agreed…9mos9MO

Both men and women are both humans, so why should men be paid more than women? Is it because they are seen as the "lesser" gender? What about men? No matter what, if a man and a woman are doing the exact same job, with the same duties and responsibilities, they should be paid equally for their labor.

 @PlayfulBureaucratLibertarian from Connecticut disagreed…9mos9MO

Absolutely, being paid equally for the same work is a fundamental principle of fairness. However, it's important to note that the gender pay gap isn't just about unequal pay for the same job. It's a complex issue rooted in societal norms, career choices, and even maternity leave policies.

For instance, the gap tends to widen for women in higher positions or specialized fields. One reason is that women often face a "motherhood penalty" where they're less likely to be hired or promoted due to potential or actual parenthood, which isn't an issue for men.

So, while we must strive for equal pay for the same job, we also need to address these wider systemic issues. What do you think would be some effective strategies to do so?

 @9F7JYVP from California agreed…9mos9MO

We as women have been fighting for civil rights for too long for it to be 2023 and still not have the same pay for women as men. Women do the same amount of work as men do and maybe even more sometimes. The pay should be based on quality of work and not gender.

 @9F7FVQ5 from Texas agreed…9mos9MO

It is clear, if same job equal pay. Just because some is of different sex or race doesn't mean they aren't doing the same job.

 @9F7NK6D from Pennsylvania agreed…9mos9MO

Everyone should be paid the same starting wage. What makes a man worth more than a woman, or a person of color worth less than a white person?

 @9FLPVSY from Georgia agreed…8mos8MO

Yes, I feel like both men and women should get equal pay. I understand if it is two different jobs but the idea or belief that men should get paid more for doing the same job and working the same hours that women work. Both men and women were created equal and if us as a country can't seem to understand that we are all equal then, we have managed to fall behind and not forward with our generations.

 @9F89S43 from Kentucky agreed…9mos9MO

if any individual performs and is able to accomplish the same job with similar results , pay should be equal regardless of sex.

 @9FV8Y2Q from Idaho agreed…8mos8MO

It's mostly just a human right. Men and women are equal, so therefore we should be treated the same. Employers should always be required to pay men and women the same salary for the same job. Just because you're a woman, that doesn't make any difference because you're doing the same thing.

 @9F7QZKC from California agreed…9mos9MO

For example, without restrictions, a business could easily pay some employees less based on their gender, race, or another identifier that the company might dislike.

 @9GNVN3ZDemocrat from Connecticut agreed…7mos7MO

Everyone should be paid equally if they are all doing the same work or working for the same company. Your body image and gender have nothing to do with the work you can do. Whether you have a uterus or not you can help a customer or life a box the same way someone without one can. You should be seen as a worker and that is all in the eyes of working and being paid, and should be treated equally.

 @9GLJBMMIndependent from North Dakota agreed…7mos7MO

What gender you are should not matter how much money you get paid. If you both do the same job with the same amount of effort, it should be the same amount of pay.

 @9GH769Y from California agreed…7mos7MO

We are all human, nor gender, nor race should determine the fairness of pay, we are all worth the right of equal pay.

 @9GHT2YT from California agreed…7mos7MO

Yes both women and men should have equal pay! Why can one get paid more just because of their gender? if both are doing the same amount of work they should get paid the same.

 @9GGDZK5Republican from Colorado agreed…7mos7MO

Men and Women do the same job and the same amount of work but women get paid less. I do not find this reasonable because they are doing the exact same thing, they are just different sex.

 @9GH279Z from Oregon agreed…7mos7MO

We should have equal pay because there is no reason that no man or woman should get payed unequal amounts because of their race, gender, or sex.


Paying someone of one gender more than the other or vice versa, is like putting someone else of equal value above another simply because you like something about their physical apearence better. It is unethical.

 @9F76FB9Peace and Freedom from Wisconsin agreed…9mos9MO

Women are equal to men. We are not below, we are not higher, we are equal. We should be payed equally and given equal rights to everything that men have.

 @9F788PW from Texas agreed…9mos9MO

Woman and men, if doing the same job should be able to be paid the same , for the same work achieved.

 @9GLZSM9Republican from Texas agreed…7mos7MO

I believe that women and men should both get paid equally. They can both give the same amount of effort and be just as good as the other. Why would you not give someone who has the exact same job the same amount of money because of their gender.

 @9F7CG73 from Alabama agreed…9mos9MO

Women work just as hard as Men do. For example the USA soccer federation pays the mens team way more for world cup bonuses and the Womens team has been historically more sucessfull in qualifying and placing in major tournaments.

 @ReformChrisfrom Louisiana disagreed…9mos9MO

While I understand your point, it's important to consider that the wage gap in sports, including soccer, often stems from the revenue generated. Men's soccer generally attracts larger audiences, leading to higher ticket sales and TV deals, which subsequently results in higher player salaries. However, this doesn't mean it's fair or just.

In your opinion, how can we address these systemic issues that lead to unequal pay in sports? Should the pay structure be based solely on performance, or should revenue generation also be taken into account?

 @9GJCHH4 from North Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

For every dollar earned by men, women earned 82 cents. When comparing women and men with the same job title, seniority level and hours worked, a gender gap of 11% still exists in terms of take-home pay. equal pay is needed, single moms out here getting less cause of there ginders is crazy.

 @9G3YTC5 from West Virginia agreed…8mos8MO

I can understand this person has worked at the company longer and has had a raise for staying loyal, but starting payments should be the same for a position or a job. Giving someone a smaller or larger pay check based on something that could be considered discrimination should not be allowed.

 @9GMVN9B from Alabama agreed…7mos7MO

When two people are completing the same job there is no reason for their pay to be different solely for the reason of gender. Men and Women have the same expenses.


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