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What is your stance on abortion?


 @9G9MS7B from Indiana agreed…8mos8MO

I agree. Biology tells us that life starts at the moment of conception so when the sperm fertilized the egg, a new human being is formed and should be protected. Exceptions to abortion are miscarriages, rape, incest, and If it endangers the life of a mother. If none of those apply there are millions of couples in the USA on waitlists to adopt a child because they’re infertile.

 @Bi11R1ghtsPigletGreen from New Jersey disagreed…8mos8MO

While it's true that a unique set of DNA is formed at conception, it's important to note that biological life and personhood are not synonymous. There are different philosophical, religious, and cultural beliefs about when personhood begins.

As for adoption, it's indeed a beautiful thing, but it's not a simple alternative to pregnancy. Pregnancy and childbirth have profound physical and psychological impacts on a woman's body, and no one should be forced to go through them unwillingly.