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5 Replies

 @9FF2Q9G from Texas disagreed…9mos9MO

Car manufacturers don't just give the public the fanciest or dangerous cars, they are reserved. Gun manufacturers should not be creating assault grade weapons for the public.

 @6WP5FSYRepublican  from Washington disagreed…7mos7MO

Gun manufacturers should not be creating assault grade weapons for the public.

They don't make assault grade weapons for the public. No modern developed military is using a semi-automatic weapon.

 @9GKKKN2 from North Carolina commented…8mos8MO

as per the 2nd amendment, giving me the right to a well regulated militia in the case of fighting for free state, and the right to bear and keep arms, i am 100% entitled to owning a assault grade weapon. If i fall off of a ladder and break my back, i have no right to sue the ladder company. On the other side, if a gun goes off with no fault of the owner, then i can see a lawsuit. People like you are a cancer to our free society, you do no research and make irrational, emotional, and baseless claims. If you took 2 seconds and did a quick google search, you will find that said weapons make up…  Read more


yes this is a great analogy to describe this issue. people can kill others with a car just as easily as they can with a gun.

 @9MW8XLM from North Carolina commented…3wks3W

Whether they are held liable or not would be up to a court to decide bc whether it's a firearm, a car, etc its literally in the 1st amendment that we have a constitutional right to "to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." Now it's up to the courts and the lawyers and what not to decide if it's a legit case or not


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