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104 Replies

 @9GKGSYD from Georgia agreed…7mos7MO

Top Agreement

Having any sort of discriminatory checks, infringes on civil liberties. By preventing access to adoption to LGBTQ couples, you are not only preemptively snuffing out a possible happy family, but also leaving children stuck in an already traumatizing experience. Some of whom will never escape from.

 @9GKVZDL from New York agreed…7mos7MO

i agree. there is zero reason lgbt couples should not be able to adopt children when straight couples can


That's not what he said. It's saying gay and straight people have to hit the same criteria for adoption. That's equal buddy.

 @9GKVKNBIndependent from North Carolina agreed…7mos7MO

I fully agree, people claim that they don't kids adopted by a queer couple because "kids need a mom and a dad to develop all the skills they need" but there are many single mothers or fathers who raise their kids well by themselves, and a queer couple can do that as well. Others claim that it's "indoctrinating the children and/or brainwashing them to be gay" while taking their child to church every Sunday, putting them in Vacation Bible School every summer, and sometimes even sending them to Christian schools where they only learn things from the bible and learn that anyone who doesn't believe is going to be burned and tortured in hell for all eternity. Someone is indoctrinating children and it isn't the ones trying to get them out of an orphanage or the foster care system.


Having any sort of discriminatory checks, infringes on civil liberties.

Disagree. Having pre-adoption screenings for EVERYONE is incredibly important. My parents just adopted a kid and it's a rigorous process. It's important to make sure they're not going from one craphole to the other. You're not preventing access to adoption by LGB folk, you're making sure they don't end up with bad ones. It's different.

 @9GKVFNX from Virginia disagreed…7mos7MO

they are not right in the mind and this dumb thing will continue to grow through the children they adopt because they will force it on them to become apart of this thing.

 @97GPQSW from Idaho agreed…2yrs2Y

Children in the foster system suffer from emotional, psychological, acadmic, and other developmental delays. Being in a stable, loving home, is always better for them than being shuttled between households. This isn't about the rights of same-sex couples to have children, but about the rights of children to be raised with as much love, safety, and stability as possible.

 @9954D2R from Ohio commented…1yr1Y

BFFR cause why are you worried about what they do and who they adopt children in foster care need homes so why would you deny a child a home they could have just because there gay?

  @Deep_Fried_MilkSocialist  from Oregon agreed…1wk1W

I agree with this. Gay couples are humans just like you, as well as United States citizens. As such, they should be granted the same humane rights we receive and the rights granted to us by our government. Any sort of differentiation in the process would be discriminatory and, therefore, unconstitutional.

  @Deep_Fried_MilkSocialist  from Oregon commented…1wk1W

Gay people are human beings same as us and united states citizens so they should be treated as such.

Gay couples are humans just like me and you, as well as United States citizens. As such, they should be granted the same humane rights we receive and the rights granted to us by our government. Any sort of differentiation in the process would be discriminatory and, therefore, unconstitutional.

 @9FLP3PZ from Nebraska agreed…8mos8MO

The background checks should remain the same for everyone, regardless of who they are. We must do our best to ensure children are not being placed into abusive homes.

 @9GXGW29 from Pennsylvania agreed…7mos7MO

If everyone passes the same background check, there should be no problem with the safety or developement of an adopted child for anyone. Their parents will help them learn and form an identity, not destroy them or make them immoral.


The background checks should remain the same for everyone, regardless of who they are. We must do our best to ensure children are not being placed into abusive homes.

 @9FZPLY8 from California agreed…8mos8MO

LGBTQ+ people should be given the same rights as any straight couple should. We are all people and we should all be given the same opportunity to have children, especially if we are unable to produce children with our anatomy.

 @9FL4L4W from South Carolina agreed…8mos8MO

That kid is getting taken care of and loved meanwhile it doesn't matter your parents sexuality because even straight parents can be bad parents.

 @9HPG9NY from Michigan agreed…5mos5MO

There is currently no reputable statistical measure that suggests LGBT or non-heterosexual adoptive parents are inferior to heterosexual parents (per 2004 American Psychological Association findings), and there are still plenty of children that would benefit from an adoptive home instead of foster systems or orphanages.

 @9FNYSZ6Republican from Illinois disagreed…8mos8MO

A child doesnt need two moms or two dads. For a child to grow and mature into a proper adult, the child needs both a mother and a father.


LGBTQ people are more likely to raise the children they are given for adoption that straight couples. The only reason for people to avoid it is because they don't want people to accept that queer people are still people and not some kind of demon.

 @9FJ8PHH from California disagreed…8mos8MO

No matter what the kid needs a mom and dad to look up to. They will be struggling without one of them. Even when they have the same background as straight couples the kids won't have either a father figure or a mother figure.

 @9FMZHJM from Texas agreed…8mos8MO

The adopted orphan is raised naturally, and never shows any outstanding difficulties, challenges, or differences aside from their being orphaned in their preadolescence. This has been tracked and observed by scientists everywhere.

 @9BNFNMXIndependent from Kentucky commented…1yr1Y

Love is love and I know of way more broken, dysfunctional, “traditional” households of one man and woman than I know of dysfunctional households with same-sex parents.


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